회사소개동영상/뜸시간 및 사용법쑥뜸의 혁명제품소개사보침술 연구커뮤니티English日本語

Chapter 6 Family health with moxcautery .............................................................................................................................. 33

관리자 | 2024-09-13 15:43 | 조회 30


Chapter 6 Family health with moxacautery

⊙ Disease can be healed by the natural healing power, which is created in the body naturally.


⊙ The perineum cauterizing with sagebrush helps for a favorable blood circulation and,

it makes the cold and sore body as warm.


⊙ There are about 3,000 children with cerebral palsy to birth in Korea.

Recently, the reason of the disease is turned out to be the contamination of the uterus by a germ. The uterus can be sterilized with cauterizing to the part.


⊙ If you suffer from insomnia, which is known to incurability, it can be completed cured to cauterize before sleep.


⊙ Moxacautery generates various kinds of materials, which promotes natural healing power of human body.


⊙ Perineum cauterizing generates Interferon in human body naturally and, it removes purulent inflammation and other various inflammations with the functions of dehumidifying.


⊙ The urine comes out more often when a cauterizing takes to perineum.

That is the signal that the fat and flabby muscles are lost from the body.

You can start diet with cauterizing easily.


⊙ The mold extends inside of the room when it is a humid summer season.

When you heat the cauterizing instrument in the room, the odor of sagebrush spreads of all over the room and, mold doesn’t take shape.


⊙ If the skin is itch or swell up bitten by mosquitoes, take out some sagebrush from the drawer of the Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument and, place them to the affected part. Then, the itchy affected part fees fresh and, the swelling goes down.

Sagebrush and the fire neutralize the poison of mosquito immediately and, they bring

the swelling down of the skin. How can’t that be good with such a good natural components, which are spread out to the deep inside of the stomach from the anus and perineum cauterizing. When your body is contaminated by a parasite, around worm or parasite can come out with feces.


⊙ When the heat rash around region of the groin is highly flourishing in summer, you can take a cauterizing sitting on the instrument of moxacautery with wearing clothes for 20~30 minutes.

You can find that the region is clearly purified with only one cauterizing.


⊙ In summer season, “Sick with air-conditioning” caused by air-condition or fan is recovered to take a perineum cauterizing.


⊙ When you are painful of the each joints of your body including waist, backbone, or a ruptured disk, take a perineum or Yongchun (sole) cauterizing mixing with ginger powder and sagebrush.


⊙ In some cases, even though you don’t have hemorrhoids, you could find “cluster of grape” shape flesh, which comes out of anus at the rate of one per thousand when taking an anus cauterizing with Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument. That is a kind of tumor and, it is dropped from the body changing the color light pink to white if you cauterize to

the region continuously.


⊙ The hemorrhoids, which are chronic disease, can be melting without surgery or binding by anus cauterizing. The symptom of prolapsed of the anus and the anal fistula can be healed by it.


⊙ Taking a cauterizing can keep way from “the frequency of urination” and, the sphincter of woman becomes narrow. Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument can promise a fast recovery for women who have childbirth


⊙ Even antibiotic agent couldn’t control, cystitis and leucorrhea can be conquered from now on.


⊙ Leaving the leucorrhea ated brings the pain for waist, backbone and, legs.

Cauterizing for a long time can cure those.


⊙ After the patient, who feels chronic fatigue, is to cauterize, he doesn’t feel tiredness and, becomes refreshed.


⊙ When you take a cauterizing, the bile is producing a lot. The bile melts fatty liver, disjoints fat in the blood, drive out the fatigue stuff and, remove the chronic tiredness.


⊙ When you take a cauterizing, the blood platelet in the bones is increased.

Because the amount of blood is increased, it produces the white blood cell and red blood cell, which helps blood circulation and carries various materials including necessary oxygen to everywhere.

It prevents to be oxidized of skin cells and, it makes the skin gentle. If the patients who have a leukemia or blood cancer take a cauterizing, fresh blood can be produced and, a miracle can be occurred.


⊙ When you take a cauterizing, histamine and histone are produced a lot.

So, it revives dying cells and withering cells.


⊙ If the people, who are suffering from the much fever in chest, take a perineum cauterizing, then he might discharge diarrhea. That is the signal that the upper level of fever drops out of the body.


⊙ The enlargement of the prostate gland can be melt easily with “Mok Kwan Ho cauterizing instrument”. No worry about it.


⊙ If you have a heart disease, cauterize your sole at the place of Yongchun, which is the hole for cauterizing on the sole.


⊙ When the gums are swollen because of toothache, cauterizing can be done near around of the gums. In the case of athlete’s foot, you can just put the sole of the foot on the hole of cauterizing instrument, which comes out the heat of energy, for a cauterizing. The athlete’s foot, which is decaying of toe, can be cleared completely with sole cauterizing.


⊙ A myoma of the uterus! If you take a cauterizing to the uterus, the tumor inside uterus is diminished and disappeared without surgery.

This is the truth like miracle.


⊙ Cauterizing to the anus for a long time is good for constipation. If you don’t have a good result, do a fine needles cauterizing. If is good for inflammation in the bones as well as constipation.



- Cauterizing is good for everybody


There are three painful things living in the world. Law, money, and health are they. The law should be kept to for the regulations of the standard community. Once you come in the world, you should stay on the right side of

it whether you like it or not. If you go outside of the house, you should pay the expenses for anything. The health is the most important thing among the above three. The modern, who live in the age of limitless competition, are clever at money making. By the way, they don’t know how to keep for their health.

If they are careless about their health because they are not taken ill or, saying of money, you will lose for both of health and money. A certain Mr. Choi, who is the president of leading company (S group) in Korea, died from the cancer of lungs ? Do you think he died because he didn’t have money? All things taken together, the health is most important to live. The diseases visit you quietly even though you don’t want them. Do a perineum cauterizing then, the diseases runaway even if they come to you silently.


The writer has emphasized the predominance advantage of Live Burning Moxacautery at every opportunity since the Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument was researched in about 7 years ago.


Many herb doctors encouraged and, we had an rush of order even before the completion of the products. However, some have suspected it is nothing special as other current existing materials. Most of them were not specialist.

I clearly emphasize. Aside from the writer’s personal profit and justification, I state with my sincere heart to be a benefit for everybody as the capacity of social member. As if “There are more shinning stars among many twinkling stars in the sky”, I emphasize Live burning Moxacautery gives the “healthy benefit” for everybody and, it is the most convenient, easiest and, strong cauterizing method.


According to the National Statistical Office, the cancer is the number one reason to die in Korea. In 1994, whether it is man or woman, the number of deaths from cancer were 49,032 persons, who were 21.3% from the total deaths for the year, and, the numbers are increasing. Ultimately, one fourth of Korean dies from the cancer. The next reason of death was the disease of the blood vessel.


The forties and fifties of this generation are gloomy and sorry. You feel like shouting to somewhere and crying. Even so, you have to pay attention to your health.

You are not alone and, you have a lovable family. And, you still have lots of things to do and burning passion.


Even though your age is forties or fifties, your mind can be the same with twenties and, you are more experienced socially. There are lots of valuable things in the world but health is the most important thing. Defend the health of you and your family with cauterizing like treasure, which took over from our ancestors. If you feel a bad symptom, the signal shows that your body gets ill. A crisis will come to visit if you put up with it.


Medicine has been considered as a supplementary measure of diseases from ancient times. Everybody can do a perineum cauterizing as long as he or she has sagebrush for medical use and, it gives an immediate effect. Just think about what I have been done for my family’s health. It is high time to start studying about cauterizing if you don’t know about it.


Cauterizing is a national medical science, which can do everybody. Even though you don’t have special diseases, taking a cauterizing commonly can keep you to enjoy healthy life regardless man, woman, old, and young. Nevertheless, the modern pass by in a vexatious life and, stay on their common sense.




- They mystery of moxacautery



Moxacautery is no longer taken as an exclusive object for woman. It is not exclusive object for adult also. If a child takes a cauterizing, the effect is faster than that of adult. Since ancient times, the crown of the head has been cauterized in order for the children to make their head clever. Now, taking a cauterizing to perineum only sitting with wearing clothes can reach to the crown of the head with good energy.


The freckle, which is much showed to the women, is occurred when the stomach and the intestines are taken ill. The freckle also has a close relationship with the organs of generation.

If you sit on the place, which is the hole of heat energy from the moxacautery, of Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument, the uterus is refreshed and, the leucorrhea is dropped outside of the body. Skin looks better and, freckles disappear gradually.


In some cases, you might be painful for your legs without special reason.

That’s because hernia of a disk and kidney. Even though you try to cure the part of legs partially, basically, it has not been improved.


Hernia of a disk needs a little more time but the condition gets better if you take a cauterizing. In case of taking a cauterizing, the hemorrhoids, prostate, hypertrophic inflammation, lack of appetite, gastro enteric disorder, constipation and, diarrhea take a turn for the better and, those can be restored completely.

Because it releases extravagated blood, which is caused the problem of blood circulation, and, discharges the fat with lypolytic enzyme of sagebrush, a fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, and obesity can be cured. And, moxacautery can also wipe palsy after childbirth out. You can take a cauterizing at Yongchun hole, which is the place for cauterizing on the sole, for a cardiac disorder. Moxacautery is also good for alopecia areata.]


In the case of eczema of housewife, you can just put the hands on the hole of heat energy coming from the moxacautery instrument and, then the bacillia will be disappeared. All of the weaknesses, which are caused from insufficiency of man’s vigor, can also be treated with cauterizing. And, then, you can find the energy of vitality will be back to life.


In the modern medical science, menopausal disorder of women is considered to emerge when the ovary no longer produces Estrogen hormone in the body. Menopausal disorder is the symptom of the climacteric. And, your face might be blushed and, you are sensitive to the cold intermittently. You become a nervous and insane in the mind. Those can be made as a favorable turn with cauterizing.


Paralysis and dementia needs to be perseverance. Even though those diseases are cured, the indications still remain. The symptom before coming to the paralysis is headache, dizzy, and, disgusting. If you rely on this symptom with anodyne, the symptoms might become serious. Paralysis and dementia are the disease from brain but those might be the reason of heart disease and the problem of blood circulation. The most important cure is prevention. Those are virulent diseases and, the family members of patients suffer from the disease

too. The researcher, who is myself, is fifties and the head of the family. In order to keep the health of family member, I highly recommend try the appliance.


As an example, Mr. Jinwon Kim (53 years old, taxi driver), who lives in Kaeyang-gu, cured chronic hemorrhoids, athlete’s foot, and, the eczema of the groin completely after 3 month’s use of Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument.


He also cured enlargement of the prostate gland, which is considered as a chronic disease in modern medical science and, it makes him happy that hemorrhoids are dried up as the result. I got lots of phone calls like this and, I feel happy more than I get a world whenever I got these kinds of thanks call.


In 1995 of July 15th, Kukmin daily newspaper reported that infected patients with AIDS, which is known as an incurable disease, were taken cauterizing and, had a good result. Even today, hundreds of patients, who are back to life by a miracle from an incurable disease, revive from the disease and, they wrote the story as various kinds of books, which are taken notice since several thousand years of moxacautery history.


Health should be kept when you are healthy. Then, how could you keep it?

I highly recommend taking a moxacautery, which doesn’t need to pay.


Because Moxacautery has a strong alkalinity, the constitution of the modern, which is hardened by contaminated air and continuous taking of acid foods, the method is really needed for the constitution of the modern.


Do a moxacautery for all family members. A certificate of medical insurance will have more empty spaces for hospital stamp.





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