회사소개동영상/뜸시간 및 사용법쑥뜸의 혁명제품소개사보침술 연구커뮤니티English日本語

Chapter 3 Sagebrush is dehumidifying plant ........................................................................................................................ 19

관리자 | 2024-09-13 17:16 | 조회 23

Chapter 3 Sagebrush is a dehumidifying agent


You should know about the nature of sagebrush in order to use it correctly.The effectiveness of sagebrush is totally different even though it is from the same medicinal plant when you boil it and, pan broil with the difference temperature and, extract it, and, make it as ferment.

We show hospitality to the valuable thing. The horn of water buffalo, which is essential ingredient of “Ox bezoars pill’s that clear one’s chest”, which is also called Wu-Hwang-Chungsimhwan as well as the wild ginseng and the deer antler, which are needed for medical use is produced restrictively. Therefore, it ishard to get those. But, the sagebrush can be found the hills and valleys of Korea in any place and, it is a perennial plant of composite, which is edible plant and, it can be used for medical purpose. If the plant has difficulty in finding, it would be changed as a valuable medical plant, which is taken out from the root.

The sagebrush is a good medicine and, it has nontoxic and, it doesn’t have side effect and habituation.

It seems to be perished like other plants with the color of quite yellow if you water an herbicide to sagebrush. However, it shows the face with a blue bud on the ground after a week.

In World War II, the Allies have changed Nagasaki and Hiroshima as a desert after dropping the atomic bomb. No life substances live in the wasteland for a long time. But, the first plant to raise her head in the land was sagebrush. Gathering strong universal energy is sagebrush.

Sagebrush is such a strong life force. Using the life force of it is cauterizing, which brings the power to the special nerve parts around the body as a lifeline.The sagebrush is the only medical plant to cauterize with fire and, it can be applied for all diseases, which are appeared by the reason of Poong-Han-Naeng-Seub (Wind, Cold, Chill, Humidity). The major ingredient of sagebrush is protein, fat, sugar content, calcium, phosphorous, iron powder, Vitamin A, B1, C and, etc.

Summarizing the specific character of sagebrush, which was recorded in ancient medical book called “Bang-Yak-Hab-Pyun”, the nature is pretty warm and, the taste is bitter. Its gives the warm to spirit and spot and, it drive out the cold, humidity and, wickedness. It also removes discharging blood and leucorrhea of women and, it controls heartburn.

Old sagebrush has a better effective and, the book was recorded that you could take a “Gam-Ru-Tang (boil water with licorice root and black soybean) when you have a high fever. Sagebrush has been used to treat the syphilis in fork remedies until antibiotic agent was introduced in Korea.

Today, the effectiveness of sagebrush is become clear to make a sterilization, alleviation of pain, eliminate of inflammation and, clearing the blood by modern science. In addition, the function of sagebrush for medical use was also recorded in the book for good to hepatitis, high blood pressure, quickening the digestion, a swell, paralysis, headache, stomachache, prickly heat, caring of health after childbirth (pain, discharging blood), chill, leucorrhea, eczema, neuralgia, a soar throat, nose bleeding, a bruise, tonsillitis, back pain, lack of vigor, hemorrhoids, prostitutes, constriction of the vagina, menstrual pain, disjointing of the fat.

Especially, the important nature of the sagebrush is dehumidifying agent. For example, it can be used well with dried sagebrush rather than exposing if to the skin with vapor.

There are white powder paper inside of the candy wrapper or the packing paper of seaweed to prevent the moisture. Chemically, it prevents the moisture, which is called silica gel. Now, what is the dehumidifying agent of human body to remove the moisture? That’s the sagebrush.

In ancient medical book, it emphasized cauterizing as the most important treatment and, the acupuncture was the second, and the medicine was the third.It means that you should try to take a cauterizing if you can’t heal your disease with acupuncture of medicine.

In the scientific principle of cautery, it can be taken the miraculous harmony between the fire and the component of sagebrush for medical use. The cauterization can make a fast medical action in the body rather than heating the sagebrush.

The all the parts of the tissues in human body, which are attacked by diseases, have been changed as negative energy electrically. The tumor of cancer has the strongest negative energy in the sick tissues of the body. The fire has a positive energy. As a natural outcome, the fire of positive energy can neutralizes the sicktissues of the body, which is negative energy.

By the way, there is the fire, which cannot be used as a remedy. It is electricity. Electricity has a both of positive and negative energy. It can be used as an energy with the running wire of minus and positive energy. The energy is generated when the minus energy moves to the positive energy. At this time, the magnetic force is generated from the minus energy. That is the electromagnetic waves, which is minus energy. According to the research, it is officially reported several times that the electromagnetic waves accelerates the growth of cancers. The electromagnetic waves of electricity, which is called the 4th environmental pollution, cannot be used for cauterizing just for the reason of it produces the heat. The sagebrush is a hot substance and, it is arepresentative plant, which doesn’t like the humidity. The hot substance means that the sagebrush has a hot component in it. Also, the sagebrush doesn’t like water, using it, as a dried condition is to utilize the character of the sagebrush. The purchasing place of dried sagebrush for medical use is medicinal herb dealer or market. It can be bought easy and, the price of it is low in price.

How to pick up the quality sagebrush for medical use

Quality sagebrush has a good fragrant when you smell it after scrubbing with dried up sagebrush (hold the trunk and, the leaf only). If you directly pick the sagebrush and, use it to dry in the sun, it is highly recommended to pick it 5th of May before the dawn on lunar calendar because it has a good effect and, can be a miraculous medicine.Recently, you can even find the imported sagebrush. Even though home products are expensive, they have a better quality and fragrant. You can make a choice carefully because the sagebrush of natural made has a better quality against the cultivation made, which is bred by chemical fertilizer.

You can do the following cauterizing with Live Burning Cauterizing Instrument.

Ginger cauterization
Centipede cauterization
Salt cauterization
Pine needle cauterization
Garlic cauterization

If you are interested in using for the above cauterization, please refer to the book of perineum and anus cauterization of Mok Kwan Ho.

p. 19 ~ p. 22