회사소개동영상/뜸시간 및 사용법쑥뜸의 혁명제품소개사보침술 연구커뮤니티English日本語

Chapter 8 The fear of electromagnetic waves ? Health with free, 'A-gung-E' health method........................................ 44

관리자 | 2024-08-11 17:14 | 조회 28

Chapter 8 The fear of electromagnetic waves

In an around of circumstances in daily life, electrical products such a kneader, electric mat, and other various products has a close relationship with human beings. However, we got a great shock to know that those electrical products release hundreds to tens of thousand more electromagnetic waves than normal electromagnetic numerical based on the result of research.


Recently, the joint research of Sweden and Denmark has been reported that the possibility of leukemia and, brain cancer have been increased 4~5 times higher if more than 5 milligauss of electromagnetic waves is exposed to the human body.

According to the researchers, if human body is exposed to electromagnetic waves, pea-sized organ in the middle of brain, which is called pineal gland, doesn’t produce melatonin. Melatonin hormone is an adjustment material to recognize whether it is day or night and, it controls stress and, it prevents cancer to regulate the contamination of bacillus and resistance power. It also has an important

action to strengthen immunity, which prevents from aging and heart diseases.


With this research, the U.S. National Cancer Center announced officially that the cancer might be occurred by electromagnetic waves. The modern uses electricity in their daily life frequently.

Therefore, it seems to me that they don’t recognize the risk of electromagnetic waves,

which is occurred by electricity. 


Electromagnetic waves, which are produced from all electrical products, have no color and smell. So, it can’t be distinguished. In spite of yourself, it comes into your body and, makes the change from the normal cells to transformed cells. It gives a phenomenon of pathology including cancer to your whole body. So, as it attacks to your body, you feel weary and trouble gradually. More seriously, most of people don’t recognize the seriousness of electromagnetic waves.


Especially, as you can see above diagram, kneader style, which emits electromagnetic waves as an instant start method, discharges the highest electromagnetic waves. The massage of naked body with those electrical products, itself, might be a self-harming action. There are lots of people to

return to normal among people who have insomnia. If they don’t return to normal even though they cauterize continuously, we find that they put those electrical materials near around them.


After a physical work in a daily life, you find your muscles are tied. If you give a pressure to the muscle, you might feel refreshing instantly. But, that doesn’t mean that the symptom is cured by massage instrument. Think about more fearful electromagnetic waves gets into the body. It is horrified at the mere thought of. Because you don’t see it in your eyes, you just overlook the importance.


By the way, electric massage machine (including electric exercise machine, which is used laid down on ground) are sold to consumers, who have lack in common sense of health. The sales people stress that it has an effect to cure for lumbago, constipation, blood circulation, high blood pressure, and other various diseases without scientific evidence.


When the blocking technology of electromagnetic waves is a matter of concern in worldwide, they explain electric mat, which is inserted yellow soil, doesn’t produce electromagnetic waves and, they stress various diseases can be cured with using it without objective validity. Consumers should pay attention to keep their health against those products. Nowadays, in order to keep your health, you should have objective common sense of health. Keeping your health is your responsibilities with your judgment.



Health with fire, A-Gung-E, which is Korean traditional fuel hole, health method


The creation of whole life comes from a light. The light is energy of universe and, it is, that is, fire.


“Mothers keep their health at A-Gung-E?”


Currently, most of health instruments are on the market is electronic products.

In the beginning, it seems to be cool and warm but as time go by, you feel heavy yourself and, you don’t feel well. The more you use electricity, the worse your body. If you take the natural fire for a long time, you don’t get ill.


Recently, it’s hard to find A-Gung-E, which makes a fire in the kitchen.

However, even before a couple of decades ago, you could find A-Gung-E with firewood easily. The mothers, who have lived in that generation had a child not at the hospital but at home and, had many children. After the marriage, even though they had 5~7 children, they could do house keeping and farming with a good health.


At that time, even though the housewives didn’t have a sanitary life environment comparing to the housewives of new generation, leucorrhea, body chill, uterine cancer, ganglion, a breast cancer, and hemorrhoids were taken much smaller. What was the key of their health? That is fire. The key of health was live burning fire.


Fire is electrically positive potential (+) and, the sore place by disease is electrically negative potential (-). Thus, the sick part has been neutralized naturally. When they burnt a fire at A-Gung-E, they sat down comfortably in front of the at a fuel intake. And, When they took and burnt the firewood into A-Gung-E, hot burning energy has been taken to between legs and breast.


Today, in a scientific thought, that live figure is caused by fire. Fire is a key of health. That’s why we use candlelight instead of electricity to use for Live Burning Moxacautery Instrument. One thin candle can enjoy hot energy for five hours as if firewood is burnt at A-Gung-E of country house. Cauterizing with that natural fire should be good for everybody health.




p. 44 ~ p. 47