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Appendix B : The examples of execution
⊙ The "drawer for sagebrush” of cauterizing instrument is for the sagebrush use to take a moxacautery. Don’t put the water inside and, it won’t have an
effect as a moxacautery if you put the water in it. The quantities of sagebrush to put the drawer are half of the total size of the drawer. It can be used for
about 3 hours.
⊙ you can do a ginger cauterizing if you put the ginger powder with sagebrush to the drawer, which is the drawer for sagebrush. You can also centipede
cauterizing with the centipede powder and pine needle cauterizing with dried pine needles. Salt cauterizing and garlic cauterizing can be done to put only
salt or garlic in it. In the case of alum cauterizing, you should neutralize the poison of alum when you take alum cauterizing, which can be used asan alum
powder with sagebrush. For directions, please refer to the writer’s book.
⊙Please make sure “the emitted hole of hot energy” from cauterizing instrument and then, sit on the place with wearing the clothes to get that heat for anus and perineum cauterizing.
⊙Time for cauterizing: Average 30~40 minutes for one try is recommended.But, you can increase or decrease for 20minutes based on the condition.For a
healing purpose, it is recommended to take 3 times per day.For a prevention of illness, it’s recommended to take one time for 30 minutes per day
⊙ When you take a perineum and anus cauterizing, you should wear the underwear and outer garment. If you do not take the clothes for the cauterizing, it has no effect.
⊙ Candle should be used white standard one. Do not use color candle.
⊙ The examples of execution to cauterize around the hemorrhoids
The procedure of hemorrhoids to remove
Following results are from the clinical experiences, which is not the same for everybody. Because each one has different type of hemorrhoids and, especially the times of outbreak is different for each one, I describe as average.
The explanation from #1 to 4 is based on the average, which is one anal fistula.Because some have several pieces of anal fistula around the anus and, the
other have different size of anal fistula, the processing of treatment has time difference for each one.
If you take a cauterizing for a long time, a blister can be shaped at the skin of the hips because of heat. It doesn’t make a scar but, when you break it, it
might be tingle. However, after the several days, it goes back to normal.
More importantly, even though the hemorrhoids are gone, it might come again after a year if you stop to do anus cauterizing. But, if you have a habit for a
cauterizing at least for more than 10 minutes everyday, it is good for prevention of adult disease and reappear of hemorrhoids. Therefore, try to have a
habit for a cauterizing.
Five or six of ten Korean people has a hemorrhoid. It is common disease in Korea and, if it becomes serious, even life motivation might lose. It is very bad
disease like a toadstool.
Especially, because it comes into the shameful part as an unpleasant disease, you do go to the hospital after unbearable conditions. If you leave the
disease ated, the complication might be occurred. Therefore, you had better go to the hospital or prevent it from spreading if the hemorrhoid is occurred
even it is not serious.
Think about the reason why the hemorrhoids are removed by cauterizing. Hemorrhoids are occurred because of humidity and chilly body and, the anal
fistula of hemorrhoids is an organization of special nerve part around the body, which is negative potential (-).
Sagebrush for medical use is dehumidifying agent to remove humidity and, because the fire of moxacautery is electrically positive potential (+), the hot
energy of fire changes the negative potential (-) of anal fistula. As the blood circulation of capillary around the region of hemorrhoids normally rotates with
the dehumidifying function of sagebrush, capillary of anal fistula returns to theoriginal blood vessel and, finally it is disappear.
Therefore, the anus goes back to the shape, which was originally formed with anus cauterizing only. Disappearance of the hemorrhoids by anus
cauterizing depends upon the one’s will to take it regularly. Everybody doesn’t get the same result even though they take a cauterizing and, it depends on
each one’s effort. Anus cauterizing should be done with wearing the clothes.
p. 51 ~ p. 55