회사소개동영상/뜸시간 및 사용법쑥뜸의 혁명제품소개사보침술 연구커뮤니티English日本語

Appendix C : The regulations that you should keep when you cauterize .......................................................................... 56

관리자 | 2024-08-08 17:24 | 조회 36

Appendix C : The regulations that you should keep
when you cauterizie

  • Because sagebrushes for medical use are a spirit grass, you should have a modest attitude when you treat them and, take them in custody as a valuable thing.
  • Do not take a cauterizing when you drunk.
  • Do not take a cauterizing when you have a baby. As a replacement of it, you can take a cauterizing on your sole, which is called Yongchun.
  • Do not take a cauterizing when you have a physiology. Please do it after physiology.
  • Do not take a cauterizing for the region of anus with the oily ointment. It is recommended to wash the region with hot water before the cauterizing.
  • Do not touch the water to the place of cauterizing. After 2 hours, you can take a shower.
  • After the cauterizing, forbid to take drink, noodle, fish, pork, and, chicken.
    Especially, avoid taking the raw stuff, cold food, and, cold water.
  • The anus and perineum cauterizing should be cauterized on the right place, which is the hole of heat energy from the moxacautery instrument.
  • The trousers for cauterizing are one cotton panty and summer short pants thick of outer garment
  • If you have a weak constitution, you start for cauterizing as a five minutes term.
    After that, you can increase the term as 10minutes, 20minutes, etc.

When you take a serious turn,
you should follow following regulations after cauterizing.

  1. A simple repast, which is divided 5~6 times, is recommended to take for the meals.
  2. Try to take low cholesterol and low fat food and, avoid taking a meat, butter, and cheese. Fresh vegetables with dietary fiber are a good for your health and, the source of supply for the protein can be prepared various bean dishes.
  3. Do not take all the kinds of drinks before and after an hour of mealtime.
  4. Avoid too hot and salty foods

    Take a quality nutrition food, which is not contaminated, and avoid taking the processed food and an artificial additive.

    Take the living water from mineral spring resort at mountain and, prevent from dehydration, which is commonly shown to the patients.

    Don’t use sport outfits. Instead, do the light free gymnastics and, do not let your body heat as cold unattended. You should keep your body warm.

    Take notice of not to catch cold because of careless bath. Commonly, patients seem to be tired. Therefore, take them to have enough sleep.

    Hear and sing for the pleasure and amusing songs and, have a pleasant stay.

    Think about miserable people and, pray for them.

    You can count on your soul by religion.

All right reserved

p. 56 ~ p. 60